Tuesday 4 December 2012

We'll meet at Arrigorria School on Monday 10th!

We'll explore another site/ application to publish our documentos: Calameo.
Here you are a sample :
Christmas in Britain and the Basque Country

Monday 3 December 2012

Simple comic strips with toondoo!

This is a very simple comic strip created with toondoo! Students may prepare their scripts and some bits of languate to interact with each other ("I prefer this", "I don't like that"...)before they start using the application. Other than that they'll spend/ waste a long time just to write a few lines. PRESENTS

Sunday 25 November 2012

Seminar in Arrigorriaga School on November 26th

On November 26th our seminar will be held in Arrigorriaga School. First of all, we have to thank the English Department and the whole school for allowing us to use their computer room! We might also have a look at the English Room if that's possible and get explained how English is taught there.

In addition to that, there are two web 2.0 resources we may have a look at : Issuu and quizlet. The first one is a site where you can upload your documents (or students') in order to publish them. Quizlet is an application to create and/or use vocabulary sets and play with them. I think it may be very useful!

If we've got time we may have a look a textivate or we'll leave it for next seminar.

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.
Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Sunday 11 November 2012

Movie Maker and mind maps

This is just another attempt to edit videos with Movie Maker, not very successful, I'm afraid. Anyway, we'll discuss advantages and drawbacks tomorrow. I've uploaded the video to you tube for you all to see the results but I'll delete it tomorrow!!
Other than that, here is a mind map with bubbl.us. We may have a look at digital mind maps and another digital poster called wallwisher.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Reading strategies: Anticipating content

The video shows us how children's prior knowledge may be activated before reading a text. Go inside Cathy Doyle's second grade classroom in Evanston, Illinois to observe how Cathy uses the anticipation guide strategy to pique her students' interest in the book they are about to read together, Jin Woo by Eve Bunting. Cathy asks questions designed to activate the kids' prior knowledge and to encourage them to make predictions about what they think will happen in the story. More information on this specific strategy may be found at Reading Rockets: Anticipation guide

Monday 15 October 2012

A new webquest with google sites

We'll start reviewing how to develop a digital sequence of work for our students with  google sites.
Do you remember last year's Planning Christmas?

Saturday 29 September 2012

Happy New School Year!

Next  Monday, October 1st, we'll have our first seminar this school year. I'm looking forward to seeing you all!  Obviously we'll have to discuss our work plan -even if we decide to make changes later on- Last year some of you suggested that this course we might start reviewing  what we had been working so far (google sites, e.g.) so that we could feel more at ease when using those resources.  Anyay, feel free to suggest/ put forward what you really are interested in/ would like to learn or practice in order to use ICT in your everyday lessons.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Online Song Repository

 SongRepo is  an online repository of songs.

You simply have to look for the song you wish to listen to and click on it!  In addition to that, by clicking on the + symbol, you can  download the song (you must have a Facebook account), find a video version and sometimes you can also get the lyrics.

Monday 7 May 2012

Trying trying

Another try with audacity!

Revision and assessment

What can we do to help students review + assess content and language?
Here is this document where lots of activities are described to help students review content in alternative ways. . Some of them may already be well known but others may be quite inspiring and very easy to prepare.
Other than that, here are different assessment  procedures we may use to evaluate students' work.

Rubistar offers us the possibility to create our own rubrics! Well-worth trying!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Monday 16 April 2012

Sunday 15 April 2012

Not new but still useful

Tomorrow's seminar we may spend some time learning/ reviewing how to prepare activities with Hot Potatoes: matching, mixing, cloze and crosswords. We'll discuss if we may train students so that they may prepare that type of activity for their classmates-

Helping students become autonomous

Just some tools to help students go on working on their own:

Friday 23 March 2012

Hamaika Haizetara Project

Here you are this project proposal, Hamaika Haizetara. There are resources and ideas to integrate different subjects and ICT in order to prepare a city guide.

This site offers free party invitations. At do-it-yourself we may get other samples too.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Learning about other people's lives

This is a BBC schools site where kids can learn about some famous people in a funny way. In addition to that, on this site young learners can get to know some facts about famous musicians. Bio.Classroom offers lots of biographies as well as Enchanted Learning. We may use these resources to create our favourite famous person's time line.
We may help students with a graphic organizer where they can write biographical details of the person they've chosen : his/ her birth (date and place), family, early life, education, adult life, major accomplishments, how the accomplishments changed the world, and death (date and place).

Sunday 5 February 2012

Comics with Pixton

Here is a presentation of Pixton in Spanish. I think that using Pixton is quite intuitive and no tutorials are really needed!

Friday 13 January 2012

Web 2.0 and Interactive resources

This is Berritzegune Nagusia site for Eskola 2.0. You may get lots of ideas there.
In addition to that, Here you have another wonderful site, Interactive Websites for Student Engagement.

I hope you'll be able to find something interesting to match your students' needs.

Thursday 12 January 2012

New term!

I'm not sure if we've already presented this Topmarks site where you can find interesting whiteboard resources. Just in case, there you are.
Other than that, how about your webquest ? Did you finish it and put it into practice? Next seminar I'd like you to present your work to the group. We'll discuss pros and cons of what we've been doing so far and we'll agree on next steps. My proposal will be to design another webquest, but this time inserting other web2.0 tools: comics, geolocatzion, time lines, mindmaps... Please, you also think about your own needs and what you would like to learn/ work on.

Working with phonetics

Many videos to work on: https://www.kizphonics.com/materials/phonics-listening/ Programs to work on phonetics: https://www.kizphonics...